Spring has Sprung

Well, I hope everyone had a very pleasant Mother’s Day. I sent out greetings to my friends who are moms and enjoyed seeing pictures of the Northern Lights, which apparently could be seen as far south as southern California. Unfortunately… Continue Reading

The Nose Knows

Well, it’s happened again. Whatever bug that’s been going around I got. Not Covid (I tested twice) and not terrible: just coughing and runny nose and an inability to smell anything that isn’t, shall we say, a bit definite in… Continue Reading

Babylon by Penhaligon’s

Hi there Posse. Due to the pandemic we are getting a rush of releases in Australia that should have happened in 2019/20. Babylon by Penhaligon’s took me by surprise and I thought I’d share it with you today. We just… Continue Reading

High Rotation Perfumes: Portia July 2018

High Rotation Perfumes Portia July 2018.jpg

Hey Posse. Let’s have a little squiz at my current wears. High Rotation Perfumes are usually five or six fragrances that are on High Rotation at any one point. Things I grab because right now they seem to fit my mood, state… Continue Reading

Devil Wears Prada Bloopers

Hi there POSSEEE! Today I thought we could go TOTALLY off topic, well not totally but as I loved The Devil Wears Prada so much and I just came across this fabulous Blooper Reel I thought it might be OK… Continue Reading