Spring Into Fall: DSH Perfumes Soho Boheme

Well, Fall has finally arrived here in LA. For now anyway- it could get back up into the 90’s at any moment and there are quite a few X-Mas holidays where the Beverly Center’s Hunky Santa needed to be shirtless.… Continue Reading

Tigers Nest by Memo Paris

Heya Posse Peeps! Tigers Nest is what you will be loving in the autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. I just refound an old decant, probably the one that made me buy a bottle a couple of years ago. NOPE! I… Continue Reading

I Smell, Too.

Well, Musette started it (as is her wont) so I am going forward with it. As I mentioned in the comments yesterday, I have been noticing in the past few years that I get that “not so fresh” feeling a… Continue Reading

Unopened Perfumes

Hiya Posse. One of my perfume mates Michael was here last week. As always we got to talking perfume. He would ask about a brand or a perfume and I’d bring the box of all that brand and we would… Continue Reading

Pumpkins, Spice, and the Not-So-Nice

Well we got through another Hallowe’en.  That day is a big, big deal in our little neck of the woods because West Hollywood closes off Santa Monica Boulevard for the legendary Hallowe’en Carnivale. It started as kind of a local… Continue Reading

Copper by Comme des Garcons

Hey there Posse peeps! I bought this decant of Copper from Surrender To Chance ages ago in early 2020 (they don’t have it anymore. SOZ!. My purchase was brought on by Val the Cookie Queen’s SCATHING anti-review over on Australian… Continue Reading

Okay I fell: Le Labo Aldehyde 44

So there are perhaps only a few of you out there who aren’t aware that Le Labo has these things called City Exclusives: Ones that are meant to be a representation of the city in which they are housed. I… Continue Reading