Fall and the urge to flee: Zoologist Hydrax, Moth, and Sloth

Well, fall has fallen at the parts of the Posse in the Northern Hemisphere and Los Angeles is no different. Well, who am I kidding, of course it’s different. We aren’t going to get snow. Although we have within my… Continue Reading

Corpus Equus by Naomi Goodsir

Hiya Posse, I bought a sample of Naomi Goodsir Corpus Equus as soon as it was in stock at Surrender To Chance, early 2022. It sat there while I was trying all the other stuff because I was so excited about… Continue Reading

September New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for September New Idea 2023. This month I’ve been trying to empty some of the bigger decants but only managed to drain one 10ml. I kind of cheated a couple of times… Continue Reading

Vanilla Diorama by DIOR

Hiya Posse! If you’re a regular reader then you know how much I love the DIOR prive collection. Vanilla Diorama was on the wishlist for a while. I’m not spending enormous amounts on perfume this year because there is so… Continue Reading

Ylang in Gold by M. Micallef

Hey Posse, You all are heading into fall in the northern hemisphere so I’m thinking you need some beautiful shoulder season spritzes.  One that I have long forgotten but has resurfaced during the New Idea 2023 thunking adventure is Ylang… Continue Reading

Cheap and Cheerful, for the Boys: Pinaud Clubman aftershave

I was a little too young and perhaps a little too, er, stylish to ever get too into barbershops. Now I know that I got my hair cut somewhere when I was a kid. I do remember going to one… Continue Reading

August New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for August New Idea 2023. August! WOW! We’ve been at this for 8 months and at the start of our 9th. This really feels achievable. I hope some of you are still… Continue Reading