Fox in the Flowerbed by Imaginary Authors

Hey Posse, Still getting my sniff on these amazing decants I bought from Surrender To Chance. There have been a few that I didn’t feel enough about to write anything good, or bad. Today though we meet Fox in the… Continue Reading

Okay I was wrong.

So, every once in a great while it happens. Something that I was sure that I loathed pops up and decides to seduce me. Sometimes it’s something that I didn’t even loathe, but just something I didn’t get.  Jicky was… Continue Reading

Velvet Tonka by BDK Parfums

Hi Posse. I first tried Velvet Tonka by BDK Parfums at the Sydney Libertine release. It blew my mind and I asked for a larger sample to really spend some time to write. A boxed manufacturers sample popped into my… Continue Reading

CB I Hate Perfume revisited: Memory of Kindness, At the Beach 1966, and Burning Leaves

Okay, I must be getting slow in my old age. I know I wrote about these back somewhere on here or PST (or did I just comment?) but something made me remember them and in doing so to want to… Continue Reading

3 More Guerlain: Chamade, Samsara and L’Heure Bleue

Or, Try Before You Buy Since I have been doing lately what passes for a deep-dive into the world of Guerlain people have in the comments been suggesting other of theirs to try. So off to Surrender To Chance I… Continue Reading

Three Decades, Three Diors: Miss Dior, Diorissimo, and Poison

If you are avid users of email and FacePlace I am sure you have noticed the scary way that we are being tracked these days. Well mildly scary. Mostly silly. You notice how if you go to a website or… Continue Reading

Ebene Fume by Tom Ford

Hey posse. Another cab from the Surrender To Chance decant pack I bought recently. Ébène Fumé (from here in Ebene Fume) by Tom Ford comes in the most divinely coloured bottle cap and plate. I’ve been lusting after it like crazy. Also,… Continue Reading