Coelacanth..and other vanishings

Back in the Jurassic Era(2001), when I was constantly bombarded with PEOPLE & STUFF (born of people) and I would go home to EVEN MORE STUFF (and people) the thing I most longed for was… quiet.  And it always made… Continue Reading

Sables by Annick Goutal

Heya Posse! Remember Sables? Well, quell surprise, it’s still available from Goutal! A few years ago we were told it was on the chopping block and both perfumista buddy Scotty and I went into panic mode buying and both got… Continue Reading

March New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for March New Idea 2023. February New Idea $50 Surrender To Chance Voucher Winner = Kathleen Email me: portia (underscore) turbo (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au I’ll send your voucher out… Continue Reading

Rainy Tuesday: Vintage Femme by Rochas

Well, we had rain again. Over the weekend and yesterday (Monday) night into today. Once again, I have nothing to complain about except the inconvenience: my building isn’t sliding down a cliff, no trees have collapsed onto the street (knock… Continue Reading

Joy in Mudville: Femme by Rochas

Okay, I am officially over the rain. I do feel a little churlish stating that since when it comes down to it, it’s been merely an inconvenience to me when others have had property and even lives threatened, but WAAAHHHH!!… Continue Reading

Vintage Coty Chypre and My Comfort Zone

We have been a bit about our comfort zones, lately, whether staying in them or breaking out of them, or merely musing about how ours may be a little bit different than others and might be decidedly less comforting to… Continue Reading

February New Idea 2023

Woo Hoo! Let’s see how my month went for February New Idea 2023. After January’s success I was worried that the excitement might be hard to maintain. As Undina reminded me last month, it’s not as easy as it sounds… Continue Reading