CHANEL Jersey from the Les Exclusifs

Heya Posse, A girlfriend recently asked for a decant of CHANEL Jersey EdT. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t get a LOT of wear around here. Most of my 200ml has gone is decants and an early split. I think there… Continue Reading


Lordt, honeychile!  I’m the Busted Flush, today.  I can’t figure out what to write about!! Perfume?  Nah.  I’m awash in No5 – AGAIN!  (my shoulder has been giving me the flux since the barometer dropped/rose/dropped again and No5 is the… Continue Reading

NYE 2023

Hey there Posse! Well, you made it through the silly season and now we have the end of another year. NYE 2023 is upon us. It’s been a lovely year for me. Finally back working and travelling. Still enjoying life… Continue Reading

À la Recherche du Perfume Counters Perdu

This weekend I met my BFF who was visiting from NYC at the Academy of Motion Pictures museum (at her request) for a walk-through and a date. The museum is housed in the historic May Company building at Wilshire and… Continue Reading

Covid Perfume Diary

Hi there Posse! Well, after years of dodging and weaving it seems I got hit by the dreaded lurgy, Covid. I regularly get PCR Tests because I’d hate to be a Typhoid Mary at my Trivia nights. So it was… Continue Reading

Portia Best Of 2021, Xmas and New Year Resolution

Hey Posse. Of the billions of new releases and flankers of old releases I only got my sniff on a very few this year. Some of the things that were new to me were not even released in 2021 but… Continue Reading