Fruit Leathers

Posse!… it’s January in the Midwest.  Leather Weather, right?  Welll..Not So Fast.  Here’s the thing: in the deep depths of Winter the ‘typical’ leathers, those heavy hitters like the Cuir de Russies (alladem) Mme. Laurent’s Treizieme Heures (yikes!!!) and the brutal,… Continue Reading

A Glancing Light

It’s August…and the light is shifting, turning to a ‘glancing light’… light is hitting surfaces at acute angles and shadows are sharper.  It’s this, even more than temperature, that lets me know Autumn is just around the corner. A few… Continue Reading

About Lilies

Posse!  Here’s some thoughts about lilies, both the flowers and the perfume.  Anybody who’s been on this blog for more than a minute knows I am LilyRidiculous.  At last count I have nearly 100 (I know I said 78 –… Continue Reading

Brown Girl Jane – a Giveaway

Hey, Posse!  No, Brown Girl Jane isn’t my (yet another name) for my late, beloved Girl.  First off, she was blonde, not brown and second… no.  What Brown Girl Jane is?  Welp!  It’s a new (or new to me) line… Continue Reading

Singing on the Surface of the Sun

Posse!  Let’s talk about the heat!  Surface of the Sun-level heat.  I’m sitting here, in 96F temps.  I have not yet melted in a puddle of goo.  Of course, I’m not moving around much and I’m drinking copious amounts of… Continue Reading