Naptime (and winners – and a giveaway)

My darling Posse – It’s no secret to anyone who knows me IRL – I am not a napper.  I’m dirunal AF, getting up at 4:30a in Summer and (gasp!) 6a in Winter.  Nighttime is not the right time for… Continue Reading

Coelacanth..and other vanishings

Back in the Jurassic Era(2001), when I was constantly bombarded with PEOPLE & STUFF (born of people) and I would go home to EVEN MORE STUFF (and people) the thing I most longed for was… quiet.  And it always made… Continue Reading

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet     Well, yes.  There is that.  But once you hear (or see) something named it’s difficult to separate the thing from… Continue Reading

Casual Casualty – a giveaway and a WINNER!

I am not a casual person – a Casual Casualty, if you will.  Ask me to don a Balenciaga ballgown and I can be ready in 20 minutes (gotta get the hairs did, don’tchaknow)… and I’m fine with gym-wear (when… Continue Reading


Posse!  What a great week, weatherwise!  So I went to the ‘burbs.  Well, ‘burb-ish.  Naperville is more a small city than a suburb anymore, with a hefty population, good transit, great shopping, etc.  I had some time before meeting my… Continue Reading

Get. Off. My. Lawn.

Well, Posse!  It’s time to Get. Off. My. Lawn. I am cranky.    Siddown, because I’mo holla! Not too loudly – this is a mild screed against … omgosh, where to start?  Pretty much piss-poor Everything Writing.  And if you… Continue Reading